Pri Polkadoodles v tem tednu želimo videti interaktivne voščilnice.
V ta namen sem uporabila sem rezalno šablono, na katero se bolj poredko spomnim - Magic Iris od Lawn Fawn. Zelen papir sem odrezala v malo manjši velikosti kot je voščilnica, iz roza papirja pa sem sestavila okno in vse prilepila na voščilnico. Kombinirala sem papirja iz seta Happy Cactus Succulent printable paper patterns 1.
Digitalno štampiljko Watering can with flowers spring garden sem pobarvala s flumastri in jo izrezala s škarjami ter na voščilnico prilepila s 3D peno.
V notranjosti sem uporabila rojstnodnevno štampiljko od Mavelu, na zunanjem delu pa od Ustvarjalnega dotika.

Super card Sabina, I love the interactive element. Thank you for joining in the Allsorts Challenge this week. Good luck!
OdgovoriIzbrišiLiz xx
Hi Sabina: What a fun, bright and wonderfully amazing Spring card. Those colors are just so much fun and give your sweet card so much pizzazz. I love it. Can't thank you enough for sharing your wonderful art with us at Word Art Wednesday. I appreciate it very much. Thank you.
OdgovoriIzbrišiI'd love to have you come HOP along with us at Really Reasonable Ribbon. The hop is still happening, and there are great prizes to we won. You can find the fun here:
Karen L
A nice design for a very pretty floral card, many thanks for sharing at Allsorts challenge this week.
OdgovoriIzbrišiB x
A fabulous bright and colourful card- love the interactive element! Thanks for joining in at Fab'n' Funky and Crafty Calendar Challenges.
A brilliant framed card, with I suspect has a moving mechanism. Thanks for sharing with us at Make My Monday. Caz. DT
OdgovoriIzbrišiHi! Gorgeous card! Thank you so much for joining out Frame it! challenge at MMMChallenge Blog.